Monday, September 26, 2016

Small and Simple People Like Me

Hey everybody!

This last week has had some definite victory moments! 

I'll start off by telling you a little bit about how our investigator named Eva is doing. If you remember from my letter last week, she had been going through some really difficult things. These things included, but were not limited to: possibly being kicked out of her house, her boyfriend breaking up with her, and a whole truckload of other things. It was a really rough week for her, but things are starting to really look up now! She ended up not getting kicked out of her house, which was definitely great. She's also patched up a lot of relationships with her immediate family, and for the first time in many years, has strong positive relationships with her father. All of these miracles have come because the gospel has come into her life. She's so incredibly happy, and is still very excited to be baptized on October 15! She's been one of my favorite investigators, and we're so happy to see the changes that she is making in her life. 

There were also a few baptisms this weekend! Another one in Dolan Springs, and Mary Lou and Victor G. here in North. The one in Dolan Springs was a lady named Anna that Elder Aitchison and I taught a ton. She's been going through some really difficult things in her life, and it's so amazing to see the peace that's been brought into her life from the gospel! Unfortunately, due to late notice, I was unable to attend the baptism. However, I still got some pictures with her via Skype! I'll be sure to send those along. 

It was also amazing to see Mary Lou and Victor be baptized this weekend. As I mentioned, I had the opportunity to be the one to perform the baptism. This was a very special moment for me. I was particularly impacted by the wording of the baptismal prayer this time. It starts by saying, "having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you..." The meaning of this phrase really struck me this time. When an ordinance is performed, the person performing that ordinance literally gets the chance to stand in the place of the Savior and extend salvation to someone through the power of the priesthood. The spirit that I felt as I had these thoughts was overwhelming, and it was one of the most special experiences of my mission so far. It means so much, that despite the fact he can do anything, Jesus Christ chooses to empower small and simple people like me and others to do his great and marvelous work. I'm so grateful for the opportunity that I had.

In addition to these other things, we also had some other exciting news from this week. A member was throwing out an old massage chair, which they gave to us instead of throwing away! We've been thoroughly enjoying having this massage chair in the apartment!

I'm so happy that I have this chance to serve my mission right now! I truly can't think of anything else that I would rather be doing right now, and I know that this is the best thing that I could possibly be doing for my life. I realized, that soon the number of months that I have left on my mission will be in single digits. It's going by way too fast! However, this realization has been giving me a stronger desire to really buckle down, and work hard. I also really want to make sure that I have a clear vision of the kind of person that I want to be by the end of my mission, so I can continue to develop myself to the end. I want to make sure that at the end of these two years, I've become the man that Heavenly Father needs me to be. I think he gives us all experiences that will shape us and mold us into the people that he needs us to be. I hope that all of you are having the same experiences, and can recognize them as the blessings that they are. God truly knows and loves each one of us, and has a plan for each and every one of us that is far greater than anything we can imagine. 

I love you all, and I'm so thankful for everything that you continue to do for me! 
Elder Excell 

P.S. Go Utes!

Q&A - 9/26/2016

1.)  I sent you a video clip of Zack's MMA fight from Saturday.  Did it work to send it it the way that I did?  Were you able to watch it?  Not sure if it's ok for you to watch, but I wanted you to be able to see your brother in action if you were able to.  --  I was able to watch it! It was so cool! It looks like Zack did a really good job, and trained really hard!   I'm definitely proud of him! I'm going to write him a letter and tell him so. That is really cool to hear about how much support he had! Never in my life would I have guessed that Grandma Excell would skip out on the women’s session of General conference to watch a UFC cage fight.  I guess there's a first for everything! 

2.)  Do you have plans for the upcoming conference weekend? Do you have investigators that you'll be watching with?  -- In general, our plans are usually to watch at a chapel. We'll be watching at an old school chapel on the corner of Civic Center and Tonopah. As always, we'll definitely be hoping to have some investigators there!

3.)  When are your upcoming baptisms scheduled for?  --  Eva's baptism is scheduled on the 15th. We have a few others, but they aren't quite as hard set as that one. We're definitely very excited about that one though!

4.)  I'm hoping you had a better week with a few less setbacks and discouragement's. Is this true? Or was it another rough one?  --  It was a good week overall. Most of the stuff that made last week a little rough were just small things that happened on p-day. Overall, this week had a lot of great things about it!

5.)  What do your typical p-days look like these days?  --  Typically, we wake up at the usual time and get ready for the day.  Then, at 8:00, we get a call from the APs asking us about how the week has been and about any concerns that we have in the zone. Then at 8:30, we have a meeting with the sister training leaders for our zone. We discuss a lot of different things, such as how the previous week went, upcoming plans, and how the zone is doing in general. After that meeting, we usually go to a nearby Smiths, and a nearby car wash that gives us free car washes and take care of some of our errands early on in the day. Afterwards, we head back to the apartment and spend an hour or so cleaning it and getting lunch. Then, we drive down to pick up mail for the zone. This can take anywhere from an hour round-trip to two hours round-trip depending on traffic and where we have to go to pick the mail up. After that, we usually head up to the stake center and do our emailing and also play some sports with other missionaries. There's usually some kind of random thing that pops up in the middle of it, but for the most part that's what our days look like on P days.

6.)  With the way things are right now, there is a good chance we will still be living in the trailer when you come home.  Mom is a little worried how you might feel about that.  Just want you to know that we always have room for one returned missionary and hope you’ll feel good about staying with us.  --  I think it'll be a blast to stay in the trailer! It'll be fun to see how you guys have been kicking it for the last couple of months. It'll also be cool to see the house midway through. It'll bring back some memories of the old days when we were trying to put together a house. Especially the memory of golfers shouting at us, while you were being held up in the air on the ladder being held up by mom and you were 30 feet in the air,  trying to put in 4 x 4 posts for a second story deck! Definitely lots of good memories! I'll look forward to being able to help you out with a little construction when I get home. That’s something I've always enjoyed doing with you. Definitely grateful that you taught me those skills!

Monday, September 19, 2016

He Will Place You Upon His Shoulders

Q&A – 09/19/2016
1.) Do you have milk in your fridge? If you received a package in the mail today, you'll better understand the reason I'm asking this question! :)  -- Plenty!  I got the package!  Thanks for sending it mom!  Milk and cookies tonight!

2.) We are anxious to hear about splits this past week and would love an update on all those whom you're teaching. --  Well, things have been pretty crazy this week for a lot of our investigators! We're teaching a couple named M & V Gonzalez. They are going to be baptized this Saturday. They had some pretty major concerns crop up this last week, but they had an amazing spiritual experience that confirmed to them that they need to be baptized!  They've even asked me to baptize them! It will be the first time that I've done that on my mission. I think I've mentioned our investigator named Eva in the past. She's been doing amazing, but has had some really difficult things come up. She has a strong desire to be baptized, despite a ton of things that have happened lately, but she just found out today that she's being kicked out of her house and has no place to live. She doesn't really know what her plan is yet, but we'll be spending a lot of time praying for her. I can't remember if I told you all about Gilbert last week, but he's a really cool ex-gangbanger who's trying to turn his life around. We're teaching so many cool people right now, and I love all of them!

3.) Do you have any questions for us?  -- What's been happening with the Utes?

4.) What was your biggest challenge this week?  -- It's tough to narrow down, haha. This week has been a little rough in general, but I'm doing my best to not let it get me down! I know that everything that happens is for a reason, and it will make me a better person in the long run.

5.) What was the highlight of your week?  -- Probably hearing back from the Gonzalez family about the spiritual experience that they had!


Hey everybody!

Sorry about the short letter last week! There was nothing too wild that happened, it was just one of those days where everything kind of
piled up and that I didn't have time to do anything. Hopefully, this week will be better and I'll have a little more time!

I already talked about a lot of things in the Q&A section, but I'll see if I can remember a few more things to add in. I'll start by
giving a little more background on Eva. She's had a really rough past, but she's been turning things around so much lately! Just this last week in church she shared her testimony in gospel principles about how much the gospel has changed her life! But now some of the things about her past are catching up with her again and trying to drag her back down. It's so frustrating to have people who are so willing to be baptized and are doing everything right, but things outside of their control prevent it from happening. I guess all we can do is pray, trust in God, and do our best with the things that are inside of our control.

General conference has snuck up on me again! It's so crazy that after this general conference, I'll only have one more of them left on my
mission! I'm so excited for this opportunity we have to be able to hear a prophet of God speak to us! His messages have been really simple lately, but they always help me so much!

I wanted to include a small section of one of my favorite talks from this last general conference that I’ve been studying a lot lately and has helped to give me strength.  It’s from Elder Uchtdorf’s, “He Will Place You on His Shoulders and Carry You Home.”

During the Savior’s ministry, the religious leaders of His day disapproved of Jesus spending time with people they had labeled “sinners.”
Perhaps to them it looked like He was tolerating or even condoning sinful behavior. Perhaps they believed that the best way to help sinners repent was by condemning, ridiculing, and shaming them.
When the Savior perceived what the Pharisees and scribes were thinking, He told a story:
“What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?
“And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.”
Over the centuries, this parable has traditionally been interpreted as a call to action for us to bring back the lost sheep and to reach out to those who are lost. While this is certainly appropriate and good, I wonder if there is more to it. 
Is it possible that Jesus’s purpose, first and foremost, was to teach about the work of the Good Shepherd?  Is it possible that He was testifying of God’s love for His wayward children?  Is it possible that the Savior’s message was that God is fully aware of those who are lost--and that He will find them, that He will reach out to them, and that He will rescue them?
If that is so, what must the sheep do to qualify for this divine help?

Does the sheep need to know how to use a complicated sextant to calculate its coordinates? Does it need to be able to use a GPS to define its position? Does it have to have the expertise to create an app that will call for help? Does the sheep need endorsements by a sponsor before the Good Shepherd will come to the rescue?

No. Certainly not! The sheep is worthy of divine rescue simply because it is loved by the Good Shepherd.

To me, the parable of the lost sheep is one of the most hopeful passages in all of scripture.

Our Savior, the Good Shepherd, knows and loves us. He knows and loves you.  He knows when you are lost, and He knows where you are. He knows your grief. Your silent pleadings. Your fears. Your tears.

It matters not how you became lost--whether because of your own poor choices or because of circumstances beyond your control.  What matters is that you are His child. And He loves you. He loves His children.  Because He loves you, He will find you. He will place you upon His shoulders, rejoicing. And when He brings you home, He will say to one and all, “Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.” 
If that is so, what must the sheep do to qualify for this divine help?
Does the sheep need to know how to use a complicated sextant to calculate its coordinates? Does it need to be able to use a GPS to define its position? Does it have to have the expertise to create an app that will call for help? Does the sheep need endorsements by a sponsor before the Good Shepherd will come to the rescue?
No. Certainly not! The sheep is worthy of divine rescue simply because it is loved by the Good Shepherd.
To me, the parable of the lost sheep is one of the most hopeful passages in all of scripture.
Our Savior, the Good Shepherd, knows and loves us. He knows and loves you.  He knows when you are lost, and He knows where you are. He knows your grief. Your silent pleadings. Your fears. Your tears.
It matters not how you became lost--whether because of your own poor choices or because of circumstances beyond your control.  What matters is that you are His child. And He loves you. He loves His children.  Because He loves you, He will find you. He will place you upon His shoulders, rejoicing. And when He brings you home, He will say to one and all, “Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.” 

The Saviors atonement is extended to all of us, and I'm so grateful for it! I'm also grateful to modern day prophets who help me to know how I can strengthen my relationship with Him!

I love you all!
Elder Excell

I don't think I've mentioned this yet, but our area is right next to  Nellis Air Force Base. This means that this regularly happens right in the middle of us speaking with people.

Our Regular Interruption from Traci Excell on Vimeo.

Monday, September 12, 2016

No Time

Hey Everybody!

Although this last week has been great, I have absolutely no time today to write to you about it.  Sorry!  I'll do better next week!

I love you all!
Elder Excell

Q&A - 9/12/2016

1.) We've had a few nights recently that have been downright chilly.  Is the weather in Vegas cooling down at all yet?  --  It is! This coming week, most days, the highs are below 90!  I know that doesn't sound like much, but I can't tell you how exciting that is!

2.) We learned that Elder Summers is now in your zone! Have you gone on exchanges with him yet or are there plans to anytime soon?  --  I'm going on exchanges with him this week! Not sure who's going to be with who yet though.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

We Belong Together

We Belong Together from Traci Excell on Vimeo.

Hey everybody!
This last week has been really great! It was one of the strongest weeks yet for the zone, and we had a lot of miracles in our area. Also I had two baptisms this weekend!
The first thing I'll talk about is the temple tour that we were able to take with one of our investigators. It's the part member family that I was telling you about last week, Eddie and Melinda. We had our ward mission leader and his wife there with us, and they are great fellowshippers. Eddie and Melinda really felt the spirit of the temple, and really enjoyed themselves. They both said that they really want to prepare themselves to be married in the temple! The temple is such an amazing sacred place, and I'm so lucky to have one within my mission boundaries so I can still attend while I'm on my mission!
The first baptism that we had was on Saturday morning. Her name is Jaiden R. and she is 12 years old. Most of her family are members who have been less active for a while, but are trying to get back in the church. It's been great to be able to work with that family!
The Rollins Family
The second baptism was down in Dolan Springs. Elder Aitchison and I caught a ride with a member from my previous area. We were both very grateful for the ride! It was so amazing to see everyone! Especially to see the Gosser family! They are the family that we baptized while I was there, and it was kind of emotional to see them there. They weren't expecting us to be there, so they were really surprised and it was a very special reunion. And on top of that, I got the chance to see Betty be baptized. I found her in December while I was with Elder Andersen. She said something when I saw her that meant a lot to me. She told me, "You saw where I was when you found me. I was in a very low place, and look at where I am now." It's very true. She was in a very rough place when Elder Andersen and I found her, and it's so amazing to see the change that has come into her life! You can really see the change the Gospel has made in her in her eyes. That's one of the special parts of being a missionary, is getting to see people make changes in their lives for the better. That conversation that I had with Betty is probably one of the more spiritual experiences I have had so far on my mission.
Betty, and some of the missionaries that taught her.
Well, it's about time to close. Don't have much time left! Thank you so much everyone for everything that you're doing! I love you all, and hope that you're all doing well! God bless!
Elder Excell

Q&A - 9/5/2016
1.) I've been anxious to hear about your baptisms over the weekend! Did you get to attend the baptism in Dolan Springs? Were you able to baptize or confirm? -- I did! I'll tell you more about it in the letter. But he asked me to do the confirmation, the confirmation always takes place in the
following Sunday, and it wouldn't work for me to of been there on Sunday. I was there for the baptism though! Elder Aitchison baptized her.

2.) Your videos of the flash flood were crazy!! We're there people in your ward or area that had flooding? Did you have lots of service opportunities to help clean up from flooding? -- There wasn't really any lasting damage. It was mostly just the streets, and it was all gone within a few hours after it started.

3.) I think this is a transfer week, right? Any idea if this will mean any changes for you? I'm assuming you've gotten that news by now... -- We're staying! I'll include a video that explains our excitement.

4.) Even if you're staying, it probably means new missionaries to work with. Are there other responsibilities as a zone leader during transfers? -- Well, this last week we've been in contact with the APs and President quite a bit trying to get them information on the zone so that they know what to do about transfers. But other than that, we're mostly just in charge of making sure that all of that of the logistics of transfers are worked out. For example, making sure that everyone has rides to their new areas, the missionaries are never without a companion, and other similar things.

Me and Anna - an investigator from Dolan that was at Betty's baptism.